1. Working principle of G303A series IP67 limit switch train door sensor

The G303A series IP67 limit switch train door sensor is a device used in trains to detect the opening and closing of doors. It works by using a limit switch, which is a small switch that is activated by very little force or pressure. The limit switch is connected to a circuit that sends a signal to the train’s electronic control unit (ECU) when the door is opened or closed.

G303A series limit switch

When the door is closed, the limit switch is in a closed position, and when the door is opened, the switch is in an open position. The switch spring is pre-loaded, so when the door is closed, it applies pressure on the switch and keeps it in the closed position. As soon as the door is opened, the pressure is released, and the switch moves to the open position. This movement triggers the circuit to send a signal to the ECU.

2. Function of G303A series IP67 limit switch

The G303A series IP67 limit switch train door sensor is designed with high precision and accuracy to ensure that the signal sent to the ECU is reliable. It is also durable and can function in varying temperature and humidity conditions.

3. Introduction of train door sensor

The train door sensor is essential for safe train travel as it allows the train’s control unit to monitor the status of the train doors and prevent mishaps such as doors closing on passengers or objects stuck in the door. It is also used to ensure that the train is not moving when the doors are open and that the safety of passengers and crew is maintained.