A travel switch is a type of switch that is mainly used in industrial and manufacturing applications to control the movement of machines or equipment. It is also known as a limit switch or a position switch.

A travel switch, also known as a limit switch or a position switch, is an electromechanical device that is used to control the movement of machines or equipment. It has a mechanical lever that is activated when it comes into contact with an object and sends a signal to a controller or a motor to stop the movement of the machine or equipment.

travel switch

Travel switches have a small, mechanical lever that is activated when it comes into contact with an object. Once the lever is activated, the switch sends a signal to a controller or a motor to stop the movement of the machine or equipment. This type of switch is mainly used in automated machines and robots to ensure that they follow a specific path or stop when they reach a particular position.

Travel switches are commonly used in automated machines and robots to ensure that they follow a specific path or stop when they reach a particular position. They can be installed in various orientations, and are designed to be durable and resistant to shock, vibration, and extreme temperatures, making them suitable for use in harsh industrial environments.

Travel switches come with different actuator types, including plunger types, roller levers, and whisker levers, to suit different applications. They are designed to be durable and resistant to shock, vibration, and extreme temperatures, making them suitable for use in harsh industrial environments.

Travel switches are available in various types and styles, including push-button switches, plunger switches, roller lever switches, and whisker switches. They are used in a wide range of applications, including positioning systems, conveyor belts, elevators, cranes, automated doors, and other automated machinery.